Release 1.0.4

New features, improvements and fixes provided to you in the 4th Quarter of the year 2021.

New added_blue

  • We have collected our growing list StreamZero APIs and documented them in a Service Inventory.
  • Introduced Projects as a new concept, enabling the of grouping of like processes as well as the security based segregation of them.
  • Integrated StreamZero with Voilà, turning Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications.
  • Live logs are there, providing real-time log data.

Changed changed_yellow

  • no changes to report

Improved improved_green

  • The self-service onboarding has received further improvement. The onboarding flow as well as the corresponding documentation have been made even easier to follow.
  • The FAB (StreamZero Application Builder) has improved in the area performance.
  • We have linked Minio to the FAB UI, API and Database.
  • The Executor framework is being continuosly improved.
  • Tags have been implemented across all StreamZero components.

Fixed fixed_red

  • A number of general bug fixes have been implement.

Last modified November 13, 2023: init (cb2a58c)